As of October 1, 2016, the SWUTC concluded its 28 years of operation and is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived SWUTC website remains available here.

0-6262-1 Report Abstract

Signing Strategies for Low-water and Flood-prone Highway Crossings

Kevin Balke, Laura Higgins, Sue Chrysler, Geza Pesti, Nadeem Chaudhary and Robert Brydia, Texas A&M University, October 2011, 214 pp.

In Texas, approximately eight flood-related fatalities occur each year—the majority of these (78.6 percent) involve motorists that are trapped in their vehicles or washed away. In many cases, victims, not wanting to take a lengthy detour, ignored barricades and tried to drive across a flooded street or low-water crossing—literally driving themselves into harm’s way. It takes as little as 2 ft of water to float most cars. Several districts in Texas have developed different signing strategies for warning motorists of low-water crossings. As part of this research, the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) developed guidelines and recommendations for creating signing uniformity for low-water and flood-prone sections of roadways. Signing guidelines were created for the following situations: 1) roadway sections that have several low-water crossings where water flows over the roadway in wet conditions, 2) actual low-water crossings, and 3) temporary road closures due to high water. TTI also developed criteria for when to implement active water-level detection and advance warning systems at low-water crossings and flood-prone roadway sections.

Keywords: Ramp Meter, Ramp Control Signal, Warrants, Operational Guidelines

ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 11.4 KB)