An Assessment of Public Involvement for the 2006 Regional Transportation Coordination Planning Process in Selected Texas Cities
Gwen Goodwin and Krystal Lastrape, Texas Southern University, December 2010, 41 pp. (473700-00054-1)
Regional mobility is cumbersome, confusing, and often a frustrating experience for many Texans. Those living in larger urban areas have access to public transportation, while others depend on social service agencies and are required to meet financial and/or medical eligibility criteria. In some regions, churches and private companies offer limited transport services. Even with the various transportation providers throughout the region and despite federal and state funds spent on transportation, there are still unmet transit needs throughout Texas.
House Bill 3588, is a statewide mandate to coordinate public transportation services and funding among Health and Human Service agencies, Texas Workforce Commission, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) at the regional and local levels. The intent of HB 3588 is to achieve the following: 1) eliminate waste in the provision of public transportation services; 2) generate efficiencies that will permit increased levels of service; and 3) further the state’s efforts to reduce air pollution. TxDOT commissioners wanted to ensure that the general public and pertinent stakeholders were included in the planning process. This report examines the various public involvement plans and activities implemented by the MPOs and COGs within eight areas, (Austin, East Texas, Corpus Christi, Houston-Galveston, Beaumont, El Paso, North Texas, and San Antonio), as they developed regional coordinated transportation plans.
Keywords: Public Involvement, Public Outreach, Public Involvement in Regional Coordination Transportation Plan
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 1.7 MB)