Operational Performance Management of Priced Facilities
Ginger Goodin, Mark Burris, Timothy Lomax, Tina Geiselbrecht, and Robert Brydia, Texas A&M University, October 2010, 98 pp.
The Texas Department of Transportation and its agency partners have implemented various forms of lane management and pricing over the past three decades, including HOV lanes, managed lanes, and toll roads. As more of these complex transportation facilities are planned and constructed throughout the state, there is a need to understand how these facilities may operate over time. Ideally, the long-term operations should be based on metrics that are agreed upon in advance. By defining what metrics can most effectively measure the performance of a facility and outlining what thresholds trigger a change in operation, policy-makers and the public can anticipate and appreciate how a facility’s operation may change over time. This understanding allows the facility operators to focus on the tasks of efficiently operating a smooth transportation network rather than focusing on how to get the necessary changes made in a timely manner. This study provides a framework in which operating decisions for priced facilities can be made and can guide the changes in operational strategies for a facility over time. The research process was initiated with a literature review and targeted interviews of toll and managed lane operators to assess the state of the practice in performance measurement for pricing and other operational changes. The research team then developed guiding principles for identification, selection, and communication of performance measures and targets. A conceptual framework was formulated and data collection infrastructure needs were also documented. The conceptual framework was then developed into a more detailed version in a web-based format. This report documents the research findings and results and provides guidance on the use of the web-based framework tool. In addition, several outreach products were developed under this study to assist agencies in communication of performance management principles for proactive management of priced facilities.
Keywords: HOT, HOV, Managed Lanes, Operations, Tolls
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 2.4 MB)