As of October 1, 2016, the SWUTC concluded its 28 years of operation and is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived SWUTC website remains available here.


SWUTC Research Project Description

Transportation Designs and Concepts to Make Houston METRO’s Southeast Line at Palms Area More Livable

University: Texas Southern University

Principal Investigator:
Khosro Godazi
Center for Transportation Training and Research
(713) 313-7925

Project Monitor:
Jennifer Ostiland
City of Houston Planning Department

Funding Source: USDOT

Total Project Cost: $66,000

Project Number: 600451-00048

Date Started: 5/1/13

Estimated Completion Date: 5/31/14

Project Summary

Project Abstract:
Over the years, the Palm Center in Houston, Texas has been the beneficiary of several economic development endeavors designed to ignite economic and community growth and revitalization.  While these endeavors brought forth initial success, they have failed to transform the Palm Center into a lasting model of economic growth and prosperity and to inspire community pride and engagement.  The development of METRO’s Southeast Line light rail station at the Palm Center Transit Center presents the prime opportunity for meeting the needs of the community by implementing design concepts and principles that provide social, environmental, and economic benefits to those living within close proximity of the transit station.

The objective of this study is to explore community partnerships and initiatives, transit oriented development (TOD) and livable centers concepts and principles, features from previously successful TODs, and lessons learned from past development initiatives designed to foster revitalization.  The information gathered will be synthesized and presented as recommendations to help ensure the Palm Center area reaches its full social, environmental and economic potential.  The outcome of this project will provide communities, local government and transportation planning agencies with innovative ideas and planning strategies that will place the Palm Center area on the path to sustainable growth and prosperity.

Project Objectives:
The goal of this research is to analyze community partnerships and initiatives, transit oriented development (TOD) and livable centers’ principles and concepts, previously successful TODs, and lessons learned from past initiatives to help ensure area reaches its full social, environmental and economic potential as a result of the development of METRO’s Southeast Line light rail station at the Palm Center Transit Center.  The outcome of this project will provide communities, local government and transportation planning agencies with innovative ideas and planning strategies that will place the Palm Center area on the path to sustainable growth and prosperity.

To achieve this goal, the research will:

  1. Research and analyze implemented Strategies and Initiatives
  2. Deduce area demographics and markets
  3. Identify and prioritize purpose and needs
  4. Present project suggestions and alternatives
  5. Establish performance measures

Task Descriptions:

Task 1: Review Literature
The purpose of this task is to conduct a thorough literature review. The areas to be reviewed include, but are not limited to

  1. Previously implemented TOD strategies; including but not limited to the types of  partnerships, policies, and design elements for successful TODs.
  2. Traffic and Safety standards at TODs.

Task 2: Conduct Data Collection
The purpose of this task is to design and conduct field studies involving stakeholders, community advocates, and the visual assessment of current infrastructure.

The Palm Center has a strong history of development, redevelopment and revitalization efforts; engaging in one-on-one group communications will help prioritize purpose and needs as well as decipher what tools will be most effective.  Visual assessments will help confirm accuracy of electronic mapping images and provide an evaluation and analysis of traffic and safety conditions.

Task 3: Analyze and synthesize implemented strategies and initiatives
During this task, a thorough analysis of TOD strategies and Livable Centers’ concepts and studies will be conducted to create a TOD model that encourages the following;

  • Mixed-use and mix of uses development
  • Promote safe and efficient multi-modal travel
  • Promote walkability and social interaction
  • Meet economic and social needs of the community
  • Stimulate Dense development
  • Improve natural environment through beautification, use of green technologies, and Low Impact Development

Task 4: Analyze and synthesize project mapping and design models
The purpose of this task is to analyze the current practices utilized in transportation planning mapping and design models.  The project team will decipher which practices and design concepts best suits the needs of the Palm Center community.  The team will utilize every resource available for thorough analyses of TOD and Livable Centers design tools.  The planned mapping and design software programs to be utilized include, but may not be limited to the following: Google Earth Pro, Google SketchUp Pro with V-Ray, and ArcGIS.

Task 5: Delineate and present project planning and design suggestions
The purpose of this task is to assemble all the research findings from Tasks 1 to Task 4. A final report will elaborate the work performed as well as present TOD and Livable Centers’ planning and design suggestions for project consideration.

Implementation of Research Outcomes:
Over the years, the Palm Center (PC) in Houston, Texas, has been the beneficiary of several economic development endeavors designed to ignite economic and community growth and revitalization. While these endeavors brought forth initial success, they have failed to transform the PC into a lasting model of economic growth and prosperity and to inspire community pride and engagement. The development of METRO’s Southeast Line light rail station at the Palm Center Transit Center presents the prime opportunity for meeting the needs of the community by implementing design concepts and principles that provide social, environmental, and economic benefits to those living within close proximity of the transit station.

This research explored community partnerships and initiatives, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and livable center concepts and principles, features from previously successful TODs, and lessons learned from past development initiatives designed to foster revitalization. The information gathered was synthesized and presented as recommendations to help ensure the PC area reaches its full social, environmental and economic potential. The outcome of this project provides communities, local government and transportation planning agencies with innovative ideas and planning strategies that will place the PC area on the path to sustainable growth and prosperity.

Findings from this research were provided to the OST Almeda Corridor Association and the City of Houston (COH) Planning Department.

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation:
This research provides an analysis on the potential effect of Transit Oriented Development on Palm Center. This researched looked at several TODs across the country to identify similarities to the current Palm Center. Identifying characteristics of the successful TODs, a similar foundation can be laid to revive the Palm Center area of with offices, retail and social activity.

Web Links:
Final Technical Report