Aging Driver Needs for Mobility in an Automobile Oriented Region: A Literature Review,
A. Thompson Perry, Jacqueline C. Wheeler, and Kathy Schiflett. Texas A&M University. April, 1992, 79 pp.
This literature review is divided into three parts. Part 1 offers an overview of the elderly driver: demographics, types of trips, accident typology and locations, licensing, and some suggestions for both roadway geometrics and control devices found in the literature. Part 2 is an annotated bibliography that concentrates on (1) demographic findings both for the U.S. as a whole, and for the 5-state region of this University Transportation Center; (2) vision and the elderly driver; and (3) information processing and the elderly driver. Part 3 is comprised of selected abstracts of direct relevance to the research work pursued under this grant.
Keywords: Aging, Elderly, Driving, Vision, Perception, Performance
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Reference Report #71242-1