SWUTC Research Overview
The SWUTC continues to incorporate its thematic components into its research program at Texas A&M University, University of Texas at Austin, Texas Southern University, Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans. Elements of this theme maintain the continuity of mobility and regional economic development that have been keystones to the SWUTC research and educational programs since 1988.
The research program at the SWUTC continues to be the largest component in the SWUTC program. The SWUTC research program focuses on those research ideas which are grounded in the Center’s theme, Sustainable Transportation Solutions to Enhance Economic Prosperity and the Quality of Life, and which support the Strategic Goals of USDOT: Safety, State of Good Repair, Economic Competitiveness, Livable Communities, and Environmental Sustainability. In addition, the SWUTC pursues a modally-balanced transportation research program between transit, highway and multimodal for its research projects. The products of this research promotes a transportation system in Region VI that is sustainable in terms of the level and quality of transportation services, the resources commanded, the environment affected, and the quality of life supported.