Brief Field of View and Elderly Drivers — A Research Study
Thompson Perry, R.D. Huchingson, N.C. Ellis, O.J. Pendleton and R. Koppa, Texas A&M University, April 1993, 109 pp.
Driving accidents among the elderly are suspected to be related to visual information processing of briefly presented objects in the periphery. The primary purpose of this research was to determine if simple laboratory tests of visual information processing would predict driver visual processing performance in driving through an intersection. Brief field of view (BFOV) was measured in both the laboratory and the field with a sample of 20 young and 20 older drivers both in the laboratory and under field conditions. No significant correlations were found between laboratory and field measures of brief field of view. Young drivers scored significantly higher on all measures than their elderly counterparts. However, older drivers improved in visual performance from the laboratory to the field study whereas younger driver performance deteriorated in the field as compared to their laboratory performance.
Keywords: Aging, Elderly, Perception, Driving, Testing, Vision
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Reference Report #71242-4