Dallas Area Rapid Transit Impact Study: A Framework for Assessing Land Use and Development Impacts
Patrick J. Coleman, Mark A. Euritt and C. Michael Walton, University of Texas at Austin, May 1993, 50 pp.
Seven transit system impact reports were reviewed in an effort to identify strategies for measuring land-use impacts for Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s (DART) light rail starter line. These systems were selected on the basis of impact study quality, system characteristics (type, size, and age), and city demographics. From these existing studies some commonly used techniques are identified and then used to form the basis for the land use component of the DART impact study design. The report concludes that DART’s success in fostering economic growth will depend on many factors, including interagency coordination and, perhaps most importantly, how public/private opportunities are promoted. Other variables range from the tangible (ridership, one-time performance, operating efficiency) to the abstract (civic pride, “world-class-city” status, desirable urban form).
Keywords: Rapid Transit Studies, Land Use Impact Studies, Parking Management, Dallas Rapid Transit
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Reference Report #60024-1