Telecommunications-Transportation-Energy Interaction: The Potential for Telecommuting to Reduce Urban Network-Wide Fuel Consumption
Mark Sullivan, Hani S. Mahmassani and Robert Herman, University of Texas at Austin, November 1993, 112 pp.
The substitution of transportation by telecommunications has long been advocated as an approach that might eventually alleviate the demand placed on transportation facilities and thereby reduce fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions. With increasing penetration of telecommunications in individual homes and businesses, coupled with the widespread availability of computer equipment, facsimile capabilities and the like, there is renewed interest in exploring and encouraging telecommuting arrangements. These include work-at-home schemes and workplace decentralization with satellite work centers, as well as many other non-traditional approaches to structuring workplace activities and worker responsibilities.
The aim of this project is to address the travel behavior implications of telecommuting, and determine the potential of telecommuting to improve urban mobility and reduce fuel consumption. The following objectives will be addressed: (1) prepare a synthesis of existing experience with telecommuting from the standpoint of travel behavior and fuel consumption; (2) characterize telecommunications-tripmaking-energy interactions at the individual and household levels, focusing on travel behavior within a dynamic activity-based framework; (3) develop a predictive approach to assess the energy consumption consequences of telecommuting; and (4) develop recommendations for possible implementation strategies and for future travel and energy demand forecasting.
Keywords: Telecommuting, Travel Behavior, Suburban Mobility
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Reference Report #60018-1