As of October 1, 2016, the SWUTC concluded its 28 years of operation and is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived SWUTC website remains available here.

465030-1 Report Abstract

Incorporating Intermodalism into Freeway System Planning

Carol H. Walters, Tim J. Lomax, Mark D. Middleton and Douglas A. Skowronek, Texas A&M University, May 1996, 79 pp. (465030-1)

The Dallas Freeway/HOV System Planning Study presented a methodology for selecting the least-cost alternative for freeway improvement projects for the Dallas area. This methodology included the cost of congestion when comparing freeway and HOV lane alternatives recognizing that some motorists will change modes to transit or carpools to avoid congestion delays. HOV ridership estimates for the Dallas System Planning Study were developed from existing data obtained from HOV facilities in Houston.

This research enhances the Dallas System Planning Study methodology. It includes data from other freeway and HOV systems from around the country. The congestion cost analysis was improved by developing a linear relationship between vehicular volume or flow and delay. Cost estimating procedures for fuel consumption, and delay to passenger and commercial vehicles are included in the alternatives analysis. The new methodology is a more complete analysis of the costs and benefits of alternatives and is applicable to other communities in their selection of freeway improvement alternatives. It also allows the alternative with the least energy consumption to be identified. The results of this project will be implemented to reduce energy consumption in Texas by allowing transportation planning teams to select the least energy intensive alternative being considered for any freeway corridor or system plan.

Keywords: Fuel Consumption, HOV System Planning, Freeway System Planning, Lowest Public Cost

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Reference Report #465030-1