An Evaluation of Jitney Services as an Option for Non-Urban and Rural Application
Ronald Goodwin, Texas Southern University, May 1999, 38 pp. (472840-00045-1)
The issues of mobility in minority and rural communities are continuing to play major roles in the decision making of transit officials. The introduction of the jitney in 1916 had an immediate impact on urban mobility. So prevalent was that impact, that by the early 1920s transit officials sought ways to legislate jitneys out of existence. They succeeded. However, the reappearance of jitneys demands a closer evaluation of the urban mobility and the applicability of the potential applications of jitneys. The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County sponsors a jitney program, known as FasTrak, operating along a single corridor in southwest Houston. An evaluation of this service will determine its usefulness to the population it serves, as well as other potential applications in urban and rural communities.
Keywords: Jitneys, Non-Urban Services, Rural Services
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Reference Report #472840-00045-1