Assessing the Effectiveness of Advanced Traveler Information on Older Driver Travel Behavior and Mode Choice
Russell H. Henk and Beverly T. Kuhn, Texas A&M University, August 2000, 57 pp. (472840-00027-1)
The existing literature on departure time choice has primarily focused on work trips. This thesis examines departure time choice for non-work trips, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of urban trips. Discrete choice models are estimated for four categories of home-based non-work trips using the 1996 activity survey data collected in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. The effects of individual and household socio-demographics, employment attributes, and trip characteristics on departure time choice are presented and discussed. The results indicate that departure times for non-work trips are determined for the most part by individual/household socio-demographics and employment characteristics, and to a lesser extent by trip level-of-service characteristics. This suggests that departure times for non-work trips are not as flexible as one might expect and are confined to certain times of day because of overall scheduling constraints. The paper concludes by identifying future methodological and empirical extensions of the current research.
Keywords: Travel Demand Models, Work Departure, Non-Work Departure, Urban Transportation Model
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