Arterial Street High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes in Texas
Katherine F. Turnbull, Texas A&M University, January 2002, 53 pp. (60042-1)
This report examines the current use of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on arterial streets in cities in Texas and throughout North America. It documents the application of downtown bus malls and bus-only lanes, as well as arterial street bus and HOV lanes in major travel corridors and suburban areas. Examples of providing priority for buses at signalized intersections are also highlighted. Information is presented on the design and the use of different treatments. General guidelines for planning and designing arterial street HOV lanes are presented. Potential benefits from arterial street HOV facilities include increasing vehicle occupancy levels, improving fuel efficiency, reducing energy use, and enhancing air quality levels.
Keywords: High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes, HOV Facilities, Arterial Street HOV Lanes, Bus Lanes, Carpool Lanes, Transit Enhancements, Bus-Only Facilities
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 3 MB)