Methodology for Quantifying Pavement Damage Caused by Different Axle and Load Configurations
Karan Kapoor and Jorge A. Prozzi, University of Texas at Austin, April 2005, 108 pp. (167827-1)
In the past, pavement design has been based on empirical approach, which is accurate if used within the range of design factors over which the methods were developed. However, in an environment of constantly changing designs, materials, traffic characteristics, and construction techniques, there is a continuous need for a design approach which can account for these changing scenarios and increased weight limits. The mechanistic-based analysis approach developed through research project NCHRP 1-37A (Development of the 2002 Guide for the Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures) explains the scientific basis for pavement deterioration and is used for this research. As part of this research, a number of pavement structures were modeled, different axle load levels were applied, and the response and performance of the pavement sections were estimated under five typical environmental conditions, which fully represent the state of Texas. This report presents and discusses the results of the mechanistic-based performance analysis and the use of the results together with statistical tools to develop a methodology for estimating load-associated pavement damage. The methodology also enables Equivalent Damage Factors (EDF) to be determined for similar pavement structures and environmental conditions.
Keywords: Pavement Design, Mechanistic-Empirical, Equivalent Damage Factor (EDF)
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 1.3 MB)