Mexican Truck Idling Emissions at the El Paso – Ciudad Juarez Border Location
Josias Zietsman, Juan Carlos Villa, Timothy L. Forrest and John M. Storey, Texas A&M University, November 2005, 161 pp. (473700-00033-1)
This project was co-sponsored by the Southwest University Transportation Center (SWUTC) and Region 6 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission. The overall goal of the project was to develop a methodology and to apply this methodology to estimate emissions produced by trucks from Mexico crossing the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez border locations. The specific objectives of the study were to develop a:
1. border crossing fleet profile – profile of the make, model, and year of trucks crossing the two main border bridges;
2. border crossing travel profile -profiles of the drive cycles (acceleration, deceleration, cruising, idling, and creep idling) of trucks crossing the two main border bridges; and
3. border crossing emissions profile -estimates of idling emissions and driving emissions of trucks crossing the two main border bridges
TTI used portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) equipment along with Tapered Element Oscillating Micro-balance (TEOM) equipment operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory to measure the truck emissions. The project provided good insight into the fleet, travel, and emissions characteristics of trucks crossing the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez border locations.
Keywords: Mexican Trucks, Fleet Profile, Drive Cycle, Emissions, Idling, Border, Air Quality
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 2.4 MB)