A Comprehensive Assessment of Children’s Activity and Travel Patterns
Rachel B. Copperman and Chandra R. Bhat, University of Texas at Austin, September 2008, 104 pp. (167270-1)
This report provides a comprehensive review of previous research on children’s activity engagement and travel by focusing on the dimensions characterizing children’s activity-travel patterns and the factors affecting these dimensions. In addition, an empirical analysis is undertaken of the post-school out-of-home activity-location engagement patterns of children aged 5 to 17 years. Specifically, this research effort utilizes a multinomial logit model to analyze children’s post-school location patterns, and employs a multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model to study the propensity of children to participate in, and allocate time to, multiple activity episode purpose-location types during the after-school period. Finally, the paper identifies the need and opportunities for further research in the field of children’s travel behavior analysis.
Keywords: Children, Travel Behavior, Travel Demand Modeling, Time-Use
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