As of October 1, 2016, the SWUTC concluded its 28 years of operation and is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived SWUTC website remains available here.

476660-00043-1 Report Abstract

Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Based Road-Condition Warning System for Highway Collision Prevention

Yi Qi, Xin Chen, Lane Yang, Bin Wang and Lei Yu, Texas Southern University, May 2009, 83 pp. (476660-00043-1)

As a major ITS initiative, the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) program is to revolutionize transportation by creating an enabling communication infrastructure that will open up a wide range of safety applications.  The road-condition warning system is a unique application of VII technology, which is to provide drivers with real-time information about unexpected roadway conditions ahead, such as accidents, speed reduction zones, hazardous weather conditions, etc. The safety effectiveness of the VII-based warning systems needs to be investigated under various driving conditions. In this study, three different types of warning systems: Rural Highway Driver Warning System (RHDWS), Highway Lane Change Warning System (HLCWS) and Work Zone Driver Warning System (WZDWS), were designed and tested in the designed highway scenarios by driving simulator experiments. The experimental results show that all  three systems can reduce the crashes in the designed environment. According to the survey result, the system is easy for the driver and helpful to them in driving safely under various driving conditions. The results of this research will be helpful for the decision making on the application of VII technology.

Keywords: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration, Driver Warning System, Run-off-road (ROR) Collision, Highway Safety, Driving Simulator

ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 3 MB)