1990 Transportation Engineering Research Reports
Daniel B. Fambro, Editor, 1991
The engineering research reports in this document resulted from the first year of the Undergraduate Transportation Engineering Fellows Program during the summer of 1990. The ten-week program, sponsored by the Advanced Institute program of the Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC), the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), and the Civil Engineering Department at Texas A&M University, provides undergraduate students in Civil Engineering with the opportunity to learn more about transportation engineering through participating in a transportation research program. The program design allows the students to interact directly with a faculty member or TTI researcher in developing a research proposal, conducting appropriate research, and documenting the research results.
The papers in this compendium report on the following topics: 1) Two-Exit Directional Freeway Interchanges, 2) Analysis of the Southwest Freeway Reconstruction Project, 3) Merge Behavior at Entrance Ramp Junctions, and 4) Urban Traffic Management.
Mentors: Thomas Urbanik II, Raymond A. Krammes, Daniel B. Fambro, and H. Gene Hawkins.
Keywords: Congestion, Freeway Design, Traffic Management, Freeway Operations, Freeway Reconstruction
ENTIRE REPORT (Adobe Acrobat File – 3.2 MB)