SWUTC Research Project Description
Examining the Market Potential for Natural Gas Powered Trucks: Barriers and Opportunities for Promoting Environmental Sustainability and Economic Prosperity
University: University of Texas at Austin
Principal Investigator:
Leigh Boske
LBJ School of Public Affairs
(512) 232-3005
Project Monitor:
Dr. Charles Cooke
Deputy Director of the Energy Institute
University of Texas at Austin
2304 Whitis Ave. Stop C2400
Austin, Texas 78713-8925
(512) 475-6099
Funding Source: USDOT
Total Project Cost: $35,000
Project Number: 600451-00078
Date Started: 9/1/13
Estimated Completion Date: 8/31/14
Project Summary
Project Abstract:
This research project will evaluate the adequacy of existing and proposed public policies and programs (such as grants, guaranteed loans, regulatory frameworks, and research and development activities) at all levels of government to promote the use of natural-gas-powered motor carrier vehicles. It will also explore the roles played by truck manufacturers, motor carriers, universities, and entrepreneurs to address the need for fueling station infrastructure, vehicle availability, engine options, and standardization of technology. Particular attention will be paid to “lessons learned” from pilot programs that have been undertaken in different jurisdictions.
Project Objectives:
Ascertain which combination of public policies and programs hold the greatest promise for developing natural-gas-powered motor vehicles.
Task Descriptions:
Task 1: Literature Review
Task 2: Examination of Government Policies & Programs
Task 3: Examination of Truck Manufacturers
Task 4: Examination of Required Infrastructure
Task 5: Conduct Case Studies of Pilot Programs
Task 6: Conclusion and Recommendations (Final Report)
Implementation of Research Outcomes:
This research, through a detailed analysis of natural gas trucks, fueling infrastructure, and case studies, reaches conclusions over the role natural gas vehicles (NGVs) should play in the future U.S. transportation system.
Impacts/Benefits of Implementation:
Research findings from this study contribute to our understanding of available public policy tools that can be adopted to promote the future use of natural-gas-powered trucks. And have important implications for research on energy efficiency and environmental policies to reduce negative externalities associated with conventional vehicles.
Web Links:
Project Final Report